Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Re: Cell Phone Manners Matter

Personally, I used to have a cell phone that my parents made me carry around in case of "emergencies". However, unlike most teenagers that constantly use their phone and overcharge their bills, I never ever used it. I figured that since I don't use it to call anyone and leave it turned off most of the time, why not just deactivate it? I don't really use all the fancy features that they put on anyways like cameras, games, web browsing and some other stuff so I gave the phone back to my parents for them to decide what to do with it. In case of a real emergency, I'm pretty sure I can find a payphone around somewhere. As for those teens that are constantly using it, I think they should give the phone a bit of a rest and use it only when it's necessary. It honestly isn't that hard to lay off, and it will save parents a whole lot of money. It may seem mandatory in today's technological environment because you can always stay "connected" with friends, co-workers, and family, but there is a fine line where you can call it "using" and "overusing". If some people are addicted and must be on it 24/7, they should at least learn some of the rules about times when using the phone is inappropriate.

1. Always turn off the cell phone during public performances such as movies, shows, concerts, etc. It can be really irritating when you cannot hear the performance because the person next to you is talking loudly.

2. Never use the cell phone in class (including text messages) because it will distract your learning capability. =)
And if the teacher finds out, they could take away your phone. Or even worse, they could read your text messages about who you're going out with tomorrow night. =P

3. Never ever ever ever, talk or text while driving. It may not seem like much of a distraction, but taking your eyes off of the road for a split second can be extremely dangerous. They actually made a law on this already, but they still didn't say anything about earpieces which I find to be a big distraction when you're having a conversation with your best friend while going 100mph on the highway.

4. Avoid using cell phones on subways and buses. There are actually signs that tell people this because of many thefts with iPods, mp3s, and cell phones while on the subway. Apparently, it is just not safe.

5. Always turn off cell phones when going to church or other places of worship. It would be disrespectful to have to answer calls and text messages while mass is under progress. And besides, God probably doesn't use phones in His home, so you shouldn't either. =)

Also, having cell phones on vibrate wouldn't be such a bad idea. That way, you can choose whether or not to answer calls without disrupting people from what they're doing. The problem is that everyone either sets their ringtone to Greensleeves, Beethoven's 9th, and other similar things, which can get pretty annoying when you have to hear it at least 10 times a day.

Re: Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy

I found that comedian Louis C.K. was very humourous when describing our world today as it is. It's funny because we can look at it ourselves and know how true it is about how we act towards modern day technology. We have already gotten so far with technological advancements in just a couple years, and people aren't taking enough time to appreciate all of it. All we ever care about is getting faster and better, which isn't a bad thing because that's how we improve. However, every now and then, we have to stop and think, "Technology is amazing".

I can't imagine life without technology. Being born in a technologically advanced era, I think everything relies on technology to solve our problems. I'm sure I can last without technology, but that would make my life really hard like how it was many decades ago. If I were to ask my parents about what they did with the lack of technology back then, they would say they still accomplished many things, just not as easily. It all depends on how you look at it. Messages can be sent almost instantly compared to snail mail which can take several days to get there. To talk to others over the phone, people have to speak through a speaker attached to wires. Nowadays, almost everyone has a portable cell phone. Looking at how much difference a couple years makes, we know that we should not take it for granted. Life without technology would be just plain boring.

In the future, all we know is that technology will definitely keep advancing to almost perfect levels. And when we reach that point, hopefully we can realize what technology is really capable of, without any more complaints.